About Me!

My name is Samantha, and I am very excited that I could potentially be supporting you soon! I am originally from Nova Scotia but have been living in Newfoundland for over a decade. I worked as a paramedic for many years, and have experience in the health care field and working with a wide variety of health care professionals. My family has started Kingfisher Farm, a small organic farm in Gambo, growing specialty crops on what was an old rock quarry, and is now a beautiful place for us to live and let our curious son explore and get dirty!

My love of the birth world started when I was very young, and has never wavered. As my knowledge and experience grows, I have become even more passionate about supporting families to access evidence based information, receive the care and support they desire and deserve and share how incredibly powerful this experience can and should be for families in our community.

Along with working as a doula, I am also the La Leche League Leader for Central Newfoundland. Please feel free to reach out if you’re looking to connect about breastfeeding/chestfeeding support and resources or looking for a La Leche League Meeting.

I’m also very excited to be a founding board member of Birth Justice NL. Birth Justice NL is a grassroots, nonprofit organization that strives to elevate the reproductive justice movement across the province known as Newfoundland and Labrador.

I am looking forward to meeting you and learning how I can best support you and your family.